Friday, July 12, 2013

Five Reasons I Love Being A Mom.

I got this post idea from Adventures of an Aspiring Superwoman. 

1. The smiles
You know the ones. The ones you get when you walk into the room and your baby looks over at you and gives you the biggest toothless grin. The one that says you're their favorite person in the world. The one that tells you that they love you, even though they currently can't tell you themselves. That one. 

2. The Pride. 
I love the pride I feel when it comes to my daughter. I never knew the feeling of true accomplishment until I had her. I'm very proud of my little creation. I made the most beautiful human in the world. 

3. The compliments. 
I love when people tell me that I'm a good mother or that my daughter is adorable. It may sound egotistical, but I know she's adorable, but I like it when other people know it too. When people compliment me on her or my parenting, all of my insecurities about it just fade away for a moment.

4. The experience. 
Every single day is something new for both me and her. We are both constantly learning about ourselves and each other. Each day she teaches me new things and I strive to do the same thing for her. 

5. The responsibility. 
Rylee makes me a better person. Before I had her, I didn't have any sort of real responsibility. I have a reason to live because of her. Someone depends on me, and I love that feeling. 



  1. Totally agree on what you just said! :)

  2. Rylee is so lucky to have a an adoring mom like you!

  3. Those are some really great reasons. Hope you're having a great day and will have a great weekend!
