Monday, June 17, 2013

Rylee's First Checkup Among Other Things.

If at any time what I write starts to make little sense, forgive me. I'm exhausted and running off of very little sleep, even for being the mother of a newborn.

Today was Rylee's one month check up was today and I was both excited and nervous. I was excited because I wanted to see how much my little baby has grown, I was nervous because I was afraid to have her start growing up.
Miss Rylee is now 10lbs and 3oz and 22in long. She is perfectly healthy and above average when it comes to motor and cognitive development. My little girl is so smart already. Plus, I'm a little proud of myself for keeping a human alive for a whole month.
Later that day we went to my WIC appointment. They enrolled us in the program and even let me rent a breast pump for free. On top of that, we got a bunch of checks for food that will really help my family as well as nine cans of Similac ($130 value just in formula!) for just this month. 
I had been trying to breastfeed since I had her but the massive blood loss that I suffered made it to where I couldn't produce I also wasn't able to breastfeed because she was bottle fed before I was out of surgery and by the time I was able to attempt breastfeeding, she was too used to the instant gratification of the bottle.
However, I'm making another attempt at getting my supply up and at least putting it in with her formula or if I'm ever able to make enough, just give it to her by itself. I'm feeling good about this attempt so hopefully it works out!
I wasn't able to produce too much in my first attempt, not even a quarter of an ounce but I was able to at least make enough to put it in her bottle and that works for me! 
Today has been a productive day for me. I don't have many of these good days lately so I was taking full advantage of it. My doctors appointment is on Wednesday, I'm hoping to talk to him about my PPD and my possible thyroid issues. Wish me luck!


  1. We make too much money to qualify for WIC :(
    It's a great program, I was on it with Sean 9 years ago

    1. It really is an amazing program, especially now when we really need help! I'm so glad it exists!

  2. Good for you to try breastfeeding again! I hear it is very hard to start again, so stay with it girlie! There are certain foods that can help with milk production, as well as drinking tons and tons of water!

    1. I'm trying, its hard. I've barely gotten anything in the last 24 hours. All of it combined wouldn't even add up to a half an ounce. Hopefully things get better soon! Thanks for the motivation!
